Sunday, September 22, 2024


Nusaiyf describes Kuwait’s approval to invest compensations payable on Iraq as provocative step

Nusaiyf describes Kuwait\

Baghdad ( MP Aliya Nusaiyf of the Iraqiya Slate described Kuwait’s decision to invest the financial compensations payable on Iraq inside the Iraq territories as a provocative behavior as these compensations are unfair and illegal.

Nusaiyf mentioned that “The alleged compensations that Kuwait seeks to gain from Iraq whether those related to the airline file or debts file are basically unfair where Kuwait exploited the exceptional circumstances that Iraq has passed through.”

“All countries in the region including the non-Islamic States have dropped the debts for Iraq while Kuwait insists on gaining the illegal compensations,” she added.

It is worth to mention that the UN Assistance Mission to Iraq (UNAMI) has announced, on last Monday, that Kuwait approves to invest the compensations payable on Iraq in the Iraqi province of Basra and other provinces.