Friday, September 20, 2024


Peshmerga rejects submitting for Iraqi federal army

Peshmerga rejects submitting for Iraqi federal army

Baghdad ( The Ministry of Peshmerga within Kurdistan Region described the “submission” of its forces to the control of the federal army as a “Dream.”

The Ministry of Peshmerga quoted its Secretary General of the Peshmerga, Brigadier, Anwar Haj Othman, as saying in press statement received by ”Just thinking of subjecting the Peshmerga forces to the control of the Iraqi Army is a pure fiction.”

The statement added ”Handing the weapons of the Peshmerga forces and make it subject to the Iraqi federal Army is a dream that will never come true.”

The Federal Government in Baghdad canceled the budget of the Peshmerga forces out of the general financial budget of the state 2013, and demanded the Peshmerga to hand over their heavy weapons and to submit to the command of the Iraqi Army.

The Kurdistani Alliance demanded to include the salaries of the Peshmerga forces within Federal financial budget of 2013 before offering the budget for a vote. \