Sunday, September 22, 2024


MP demand government to provide houses for trespassers

MP demand government to provide houses for trespassers

Baghdad ( MP, Hassan Jehad, member of the Security and Defense Parliamentary Committee demanded to solve the problem of the trespassers on the lands of the State by granting them lands and help them to build them.

Jehad, reported in statement received by on Thursday ”We do not support to solve the problem of the trespassers on the lands of Ghader housing project in Najaf province by using force and demand to solve their housing problem by granting these poeple lands and help them in building them.”

The statement added ”The Government should allocate official lands and funds to build ithem rather than using force to evacuate them from the lands since these people are in urgent need for houses.”

Najaf province witnessed clashes between the forces of Quick respond and trespassers who refused to obey the evacuation resolution. \End\