Saturday, September 21, 2024


MP rules out holding alliance between IS, Kurdistan Region in next PCs elections

MP rules out holding alliance between IS, Kurdistan Region in next PCs elections

Baghdad ( MP, Mohamed Iqbal, of the Iraqiya Slate ruled out holding an alliance between the IS and the Kurdistani Alliance in the next Provincial Council Elections.

He stated to Iraqi News ( “The supporters of the IS reject such alliance due to the disputes over the disputed areas I Nineveh, Kirkuk and Diyala provinces,” noting that “Most of the IS supporters are from these areas.”

“The alliance between the IS and the KA is not desirable currently because the problems over the disputed areas are not settled yet,” he concluded.

Earlier, some media reports indicated the possibility of holding an alliance between the Iraqiya Slate and the Kurdistani Alliance to join the next PCs elections.