Saturday, September 21, 2024


Najaf PC calls Iraqi Government to financially help Syrian refugees

Najaf PC calls Iraqi Government to financially help Syrian refugees

Baghdad ( Najaf Provincial Council called the Iraqi Federal Government to grant IQD (3) million for each family among the Syrian refugees.

The Director of Najaf PC’s media office, Mohamed al-Khuzayi cited that “Najaf PC called the Government to support the Syrian refugees in the province which are 11 families,” noting that “some of them are sheltered in hired houses while other are sheltered in mosques.”

“We call to urgently help these families and grant them IQD 3 million for each family,” Khuzayi added.

It is worth mentioning that the representative of the Religious Authority in Karbala province, Ahmed al-Saafi has promised during the sermon of last Friday prayer to ensure the assistance of the Syrian refugees in Anbar province and meet their needs of winter season.