Saturday, September 21, 2024


Residual funds of 2012 budget to be added to 2013 budget

Residual funds of 2012 budget to be added to 2013 budget

Karbala ( The Council of Ministers decided to add the remaining funds of 2012 budget to the budget of 2013.

The Minister of Planning, Ali Shukri, reported to the correspondent of during his visit to Karbala province ”The Cabinet decided to add all the remaining funds of 2012 budget to the budget of 2013 ,” noting that “The funds will be listed for thier same allocations of 2012.”

Several members of the Parliament expressed their objections for reading of the financial budget of the state 2013 during the Parliament session on last Monday without recieving the final accounts of 2012 budget, while the General Undersecretary of the Cabinet, Ali al-Allaq declared that the final accounts of 2013 budget has been submitted to the Parliament.

The Council of Ministers endorsed the project of the financial budget 2013 which reached IQD (138) trillion on 23rd of last October. \