Saturday, September 21, 2024


Talabani warns from deploying elements of Dijla Operations Command in disputed areas

Talabani warns from deploying elements of Dijla Operations Command in disputed areas

Baghdad ( The member of the Political Bureau of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Adnan al-Mufti, revealed that the President, Jalal Talabani, warned the Supervisor of Dijla operations Command and the Commander of the Ground Forces in the Ministry of Defense, General Ali Ghaidan, from deploying elements of DOC in the disputed areas.

In an interview with Kurdish Newspaper, he confirmed what reported on last week that Talabani sent a message to Ghaidan warning him from deploying the Iraqi Army soldiers in the disputed areas otherwise he will him to the court because the IA forces are not supposed to be exploited to settle the political issues.

He added “Talabani considers Ghaidan appointment in his post as illegal because the parliament did not approve it.”

“Talabani sent a copy of the message to the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, because he is the General Commander of the Armed Forces,” he mentioned.

“The relations between Talabani and Maliki are suspended currently,” he concluded.

On last week, President, Jalal Talabani, informed the Commander of the Ground Forces, General, Ali Ghaidan, who is the supreme supervisor of all Operations Command including Dijla Operation Command, that his appointment in this post is illegal.

A source from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan stated to “Talabani sent a message to Ghaidan informing him that his appointment is illegal because it there is no republican decree issued about it.”

“Talabani confirmed in his message that he can cancel the appointment of any official and replacing him,” the source concluded.

Ghaidan assumes the responsibility of supervising all the Military Commands including Dijla Operations Command which involves Diyala, Salah-il-Din and Kirkuk provinces.