Friday, September 20, 2024


Nusaiyf calls Talabani to deal with all Iraqi social components alike

Nusaiyf calls Talabani to deal with all Iraqi social components alike

Baghdad ( MP Alya Nusiyf of the Iraqiya Hurra Coalition called on the Iraqi President, Jalal Talabani, not to create political tensions such as demanding to re-determine the administrative borders of the Iraqi provinces.

Nusiyf cited in a statement received by “The President should practice his role in protecting the Constitution through dealing with all the social components alike, without any discrimination. Hence, we wish Talabani to seek to preserve the gains of all the Iraqis in light of the democratic system rather than protecting the Kurds’ gains only.”

“We invite Talabani to visit all the Iraqi provinces instead on limiting his visits on Sulaimaniya, Erbil and Dohuk provinces,” she concluded.