Monday, September 23, 2024


Former MP calls Maliki to dismiss involved officials in corruption of armament deal with Russia

Former MP calls Maliki to dismiss involved officials in corruption of armament deal with Russia

Baghdad ( The former MP, Wail Abdul Latif, of the Iraqi National Alliance called the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, to dismiss the involved officials in the corruption issue accompanied the armament deal with Russia.

Speaking to Iraqi News ( on Friday, he said “Maliki is the first one who revealed the existence of the corruption in the armament deal with Russia where we hope him to take the suitable action regarding this issue,” stressing the necessity of “Following the legal procedures against the officials whose names were mentioned in the investigation over this issue such as the former spokesperson of the government, Ali al-Dabbagh, MP Ezzat al-Shabandar of the State of Law Coalition and the Acting Defense Minster, Sadoun al-Dulaimi.”

“Only the specialists of this issue can negotiate in this deal such as the head of Arming the Iraqi Army Department who is responsible for this deal,” he added.

He ruled out “Canceling the armament deal with Russia,” calling Maliki to “Include all the involved officials in the procedures that he will take.”