Sunday, September 22, 2024


Iraq prepares technical team for demarking borders with Kuwait

Iraq prepares technical team for demarking borders with Kuwait

Baghdad ( The Iraqi Foreign Ministry announced selecting the technical team to supervise borders demarcation process with Kuwait.

A statement by the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) received by cited “The head of the UNAMI, Martin Kobler received a phone call from the Iraqi Minister of Foreign Affairs Hoshyar Zibari through which Zibari confirmed that Baghdad nominated the members of the technical team tasked with demarking the borders with Kuwait and Kobler informed the Security Council about this step.”

“The Iraqi Government will start immediately to update the list of farmers who claim for compensations,” the statement added, stressing the importance of “consolidating the confidence between Iraq and Kuwait to settle the pending issues between them.”

The statement mentioned “Kobler conducted meetings in both countries to observe the possible means for the UN to participate in settling the pending issues and he noticed that both sides are committed to improve relations between Iraq and Kuwait on the highest levels since Iraq has reiterated its commitment to achieve its remaining commitments according to the UN Charter’s Seventh Chapter.”