Saturday, September 21, 2024


Saghier calls Minister of Oil to take urgent stance towards oil firm belittled Hussieni rituals

Saghier calls Minister of Oil to take urgent stance towards oil firm belittled Hussieni rituals

Baghdad ( The leader within the Supreme Iraqi Islamic Council, Jalal al-Din al-Saghier, called the Minister of Oil to take urgent stance towards an oil company working in Dhi-Qar province that belittled the Hussieni rituals.

He stated to Iraqi News ( “Our people in Dhi-Qar province will not the apology of the company over holding the party in the day of Hussein Martyrdom.”

He called to dismiss the Malaysian company and taking urgent actions against it for offending the Hussieni masses by deliberately holding a party by the foreign and some Iraqi workers in the company.

Dozens of Sikar district people attacked the headquarter of Pitronas oil company for holding a profligate party disregarding sacredness of Ashura occasion.