Friday, September 27, 2024


Kurdish MP criticizes Maliki’s proposal over disputed areas

Kurdish MP criticizes Maliki\

Baghdad ( MP Mahma Khalil of the Kurdistani Democratic Party that is headed by the President of Kurdistan Region described the proposal of the Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki over the disputed areas as an circumvent on the previous agreements between the Federal Government and the Kurdistan Region Government.

Khalil stated to “The formation of the military forces from the citizens of the disputed areas is considered as circumvent on the agreements concluded earlier between the Central Government and Kurdistan Regional Government.”

He added confirming “The PM Maliki tends to escalate and aggravate the crisis,” noting “The Federal Government is the first to reject the 14th points suddenly, despite those points were agreed upon in 2009 in presence of the US side which include forming mutual commissions to run the security file.”

“The proposal includes forming military forces from the citizens of these areas to protect their territories and to resort to the Federal Court in this issue,” he concluded.