Sunday, September 22, 2024


Najaf PC determined to evacuate trespassing families

Najaf PC determined to evacuate trespassing families

Najaf ( Najaf Provincial Council decided to grant the trespassers on the lands of Ghadeer Village Investment project of northern Najaf three months period to evacuate the land.

The media director of Najaf PC, Mohamed al-Ghazali, mentioned to on Thursday ”Najaf PC decided to give three months period for people who trespass on Ghader project’s land to evacuate the land,” pointing out that ”Few days ago, clashes occurred between the trespassing people and the security forces who tried to force them out.”

He noted that “There are about 650 families live on that land.”

The statement added ”The trespassing people received lands which were distributed on them in Noor area of southern Najaf province.” \