Sunday, September 22, 2024


Talabani assures to Ki-moon, Iraq’s fulfillment to its international commitments

Talabani assures to Ki-moon, Iraq\

Baghdad ( The President, Jalal Talabani, assured to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki-moon that Iraq has fulfilled its commitments to the international community and the UN need to help in releasing it from the Seventh Chapter of the UN’s Charter.

A Presidential statement received by on Thursday cited “Talabani received Ki-moon and the accompanied delegation where he welcomed Ki-moon’s visit to Iraq.”

“Talabani stressed the important role of the United Nation in helping Iraq to be released from the Seventh Chapter of the UN’s Charter, assuring that Iraq fulfilled its obligations to international community and returned again to the international community where it is playing a major role in maintaining peace and security in the region,” the statement added.

“Talabani and the Ki-moon also discussed the current tensions between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government, where Ki Moon expressed his optimism to resort to the language of dialogue and peace to resolve the problems and differences,” the statement concluded.