Sunday, September 22, 2024


Sihail heads joint symposium with UNAMI over Union Council

Sihail heads joint symposium with UNAMI over Union Council

Baghdad ( The First Deputy Speaker, Qusai al-Sihail, headed the join symposium with the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) over the legislative and constitutional procedures of the Union Council which is held in Beirut.

A statement by Sihail’s office received by cited “Sihail started the symposium with the UNAMI represented by George Bustin, the Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Iraq, Martin Kobler, and in presence of the representatives of the political blocs and the parliamentary committees in addition to Baghdad Governor and some other officials.”

“During the symposium, Sihail stressed the necessity of consolidating the democratic institutions such as forming the Union Council due to its important role in developing the concept of democracy in Iraq,” the statement added.

“For his part, Bustin expressed his optimism over getting the benefit from all the opinions of the participants over this issue, assuring that the UN supports the Iraqi people and government by developing the performance of the committees according to the constitution,” the statement concluded.