Friday, September 27, 2024


Talabani, Maliki to hold meeting over political updates Sunday

Talabani, Maliki to hold meeting over political updates Sunday

Baghdad ( The President, Jalal Talabani, and the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, will hold a meeting to discuss the political updates on Sunday.

MP, Burhan Mohamed Faraj, of the Kurdistani Alliance stated to “Talabani is supposed to hold a meeting with Maliki,” noting that “Both sides will discuss reducing the tension between the Central Government and the Kurdistani Regional Government and their adherence to the constitution in addition to the former agreements.”

“They will discuss setting solutions for the disputes in the disputed areas,” he added.

“The meeting will be important after the rupture of relations between them during the last period,” he continued.

“The meeting is expected to be attended by the leader within the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Barham Salih, and, Fadhil Miran, secretary of the political bureau of the Kurdistani Democratic Party,” he concluded.