Monday, September 23, 2024


MP: Corruption in armament contract concluded with Russia Not proved yet

MP: Corruption in armament contract concluded with Russia "Not proved yet"

Baghdad ( MP, Efan al-Esawi, member of the Security and Defense Committee assured that the corruption in the armament contracts concluded with Russia is not proved yet.

He stated to Iraqi News ( “The reports over corruption accompanied this contract are suspicions only because we do not have evidences over such accusations yet.”

“The Minister of Defense, Sadoun al-Dulaimi was hosted by the investigation committee and his speech was convincing,” he stressed.

“From my point of view as a member of the investigation committee, I consider Dulaimi away from being involved in corruption related to this contract,” he continued.

“There may be suspicions over some other sides to be involved yet these sides are not proved to be involved yet,” he concluded.