Friday, September 27, 2024


Majid: Barzani’s visit to military units in Kirkuk reminds us of Saddam Hussein

Majid: Barzani\

Baghdad ( MP, Yasin Majid, of the State of Law Coalition criticized the visit of the President of Kurdistan Region, Masoud Barzani, to the military units in Kirkuk, describing it as “War visit.”

Majid stated in a press conference held at the parliament building on Wednesday “Kirkuk province witnessed two visits; the first one is the visit of the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki which is a visit for the building and the construction.”

“Maliki’s visit to Kirkuk provoked some political blocs, in particular Barzani who suspended his ministers from the meeting of the Council of Ministers,” he added.

“The second visit is Barzani’s visit to check the military units in Kirkuk,” he pointed out, assuring that “This visit is provocative and a war visit where Barzani reminds us of Saddam Hussein and his son, Oudai, who were checking the military units during the wars.”