Friday, September 20, 2024


Maliki assures to his Palestinian Counterpart, Iraq’s support to Palestine

Maliki assures to his Palestinian Counterpart, Iraq\

Baghdad ( The Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, assured to his Palestinian Counterpart, Salam Fayadh, the support of Iraq to the Palestinian people.

A statement by Maliki’s office received by quoted him as saying “The Palestinian issues set the world in a real test, congratulating Fayadh for granting Palestine a non-member observer State statues in the United Nations.”

“Maliki stressed the necessity of continuing the struggle to achieve the goals,” the statement added, noting that “Maliki called to deal with Palestine as a State from now on.”

“For his part, Fayadh assured that heading to announce the State of Palestine is resulted from taking into consideration the Israeli reaction and the stances of the other countries while voting on Palestine as an observer State in the UN,” the statement pointed out.

“Fayadh appreciated Iraq and Maliki’s stances towards the Palestinian people, noting that the call for the conference of the Palestinian detainees in Iraq, shows the interest of Iraq in the Palestinian issue,” the statement concluded.