Friday, September 27, 2024


Maliki inaugurates damaged church after rehabilitation

Maliki inaugurates damaged church after rehabilitation

Baghdad ( The Iraqi premier Nouri al-Maliki called all Iraqis to keep the unity, security and stability of Iraq and work to rebuild Iraq and use its revenues for the benefit of Iraqis.

In his speech at the inauguration ceremony of the Holy Heart Church in central Baghdad after its rehabilitation due to the terrorist attack that targeted the church in 2010, Maliki said “The Christians are our brothers and partners in Iraq and any harm that affects Christians will affect all Iraqis.”

“Today we recall the innocent Christian women, men and children who fell due to the terrorist attack which targeted the church in a similar way to targeting mosques of Muslims and holy shrines in Iraq,” he added.

The criminals wanted to target the unity of Iraq when they targeted the Christians by evacuating Iraq from Christians so we asked the Pope to demand Christians remain in Iraq, according to Maliki.

Maliki appreciated the efforts of the Iraqi Security Forces, Iraqi tribes, educated people and scientists who work to build new Iraq and appreciated the efforts of the Ministry of Housing and Construction for its efforts in rebuilding the Church.