Friday, September 20, 2024


Baldawi: Leaders of KA, INA, IS to meet next week to reduce tensions

Baldawi: Leaders of KA, INA, IS to meet next week to reduce tensions

Baghdad ( MP, Mufeed al-Baldawi, of the State of Law Coalition revealed the next week will witness a meeting to be held among the leaders of the Kurdistani Alliance, Iraqi National Alliance and the Iraqiya Slate to reduce the tension of the current crisis.

He stated to Iraqi News ( “There is a mutual approximation in viewpoints among the leaders of the political leaders,” noting that “It is hoped to hold a meeting among the leaders of the blocs next week to end the disputes the Central Governmental and the Kurdistani Regional Government.”

“The President of Kurdistan Region, Masoud Barzani, efforts to escalate the crisis and the enlarge the gap between the CG and the Kurdistan RegionG come to cover the internal disputes in Kurdistan Region between the leaders of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and the Kurdistani Democratic Party,” he added.

“Foreign sides like Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey that are supported by Israel working on destabilizing the situation in Iraq and weakening the Central Government by supporting Kurdistan Region,” he concluded.