Friday, September 27, 2024


Khlalil: Maliki first to breach Iraqi constitution

Khlalil: Maliki first to breach Iraqi constitution

Baghdad ( MP Mahma Khalil of the Kurdistani Democratic Party which is headed by the President of Kurdistan Region, Masoud Barzani criticized the refusal of the Premier Nouri al-Maliki to the recent statements of Barzani when he decided to name the disputed areas as Kurdish areas outside Kurdistan Region.

Khalil told Iraqi News ( “We think the conviction should be for Maliki because he is the first to breach the constitution and more than once as he follow double standards when he named the disputed areas as collective areas since this name is given to all the provinces.”

“Naming the Kurdistani areas by this name comes because the majority of their population is from the Kurdish community,” he added.

Earlier, Barzani has issued decree on last Friday to change the name of the disputed areas into Kurdish areas outside Kurdistan Region.