Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Talabani confirms continuity of his efforts to settle crisis

Talabani confirms continuity of his efforts to settle crisis

Baghdad ( The President, Jalal Talabani received the Adviser and the member of the U.S. Council of Foreign Relations, Brett Maikark.

A presidential statement received by cited “Talabani and Maikark discussed the latest developments in the political situation, especially the current crisis between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government, where Talabani stressed that he will continue his efforts to calm down the tensed situation and find a suitable ground for dialogue in order to find acceptable solutions to the pending issues.”

“Maikark, for his part, reiterated the United States of America’s keenness to support Iraq’s stability and maintain its democratic experiment and develop it,” the statement added.

“He praised Talabani’s efforts to settle the crisis between Baghdad and Erbil, which resulted in the suspension of the media escalation between the two sides as the beginning to resolve the disputes between them,” the statement concluded.