Friday, September 20, 2024


Free Iraqi Army another name for al-Qaeda, says MP

Free Iraqi Army another name for al-Qaeda, says MP

Baghdad ( MP Hakim al-Zamili of the Parliamentary Security & Defense Committee stressed presence of armed operations assumed by the what is so called (The Iraqi Free Army) in Iraqi’s western an northern provinces similar to the Syrian Free Army which fights against the regime’s military forces.

Zamili told Iraqi News “This organization adopts activities in provinces of Anbar, Nineveh, Kirkuk and parts of Diyala while the middle and southern provinces are devoid of this organization.”

“The Iraqi Free Army is al-Qaeda itself but with new name where it was promoted via some Sat channels and video clips,” he added.

Earlier, some reports have announced, on last September, the formation of what is so called the Iraqi Free Army which is created by the dissolved Baath Party in some provinces; this prompted some religious authorities to issue fatwa prohibiting the arms sale.