Sunday, September 22, 2024


Iraq & Jordon agree to extend double oil & gas pipeline

Iraq & Jordon agree to extend double oil & gas pipeline

Baghdad ( Iraq and Jordon have agreed to extend double pipeline to transport oil and gas between both countries.

The Jordanian Prime Minister, Abdullah al-Nisour, said in a press interview that “Jordon and Iraq are planning to establish double line for oil and gas till reaching Aqaba.”

Nisour added that “An initial meeting was held in London to discuss the workflow of establishing this pipeline,” noting that “The coming few days will witness the visit of a Jordanian governmental delegation to Baghdad to discuss different issues including the topic of extending the oil & gas double line.”

It is worth mentioning that the establishment of this new pipeline will be the first of its kind between Iraq and Jordon after the transportation of the crude oil and exchange of fuel was done between both states via trucks.