Friday, October 11, 2024


Jobouri calls to avoid escalation showing respect to Talabani’s efforts

Jobouri calls to avoid escalation showing respect to Talabani\

Baghdad ( The head of the Hurra Iraqiya Coalition, Qutaiba al-Jobouri, called “The political sides to avoid escalation to show respect to the efforts of the President, Jalal Talabani, concerning eliminating the disputes among the various sides.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “Talabani’s health requires us to pray for him to get the speediest recovery due to his great efforts to eliminate the disputes between the Central Government and the Kurdistani Regional Government.”

“The Kurds are partners in the political process where they assumed a number of Ministries in Baghdad and we hope them to show adherence to the national interest and unity,” he stressed.

“The disputes must be solved through dialogue objectively with genuine intentions to continue Talabani’s efforts who was and still the symbol of unity among the Iraqis,” he concluded.