Friday, September 27, 2024


Anbar PC, local councils going on civil disobedience till meeting their requests

Anbar PC, local councils going on civil disobedience till meeting their requests

Anbar ( Members of Anbar Provincial Council and those of the local councils in the districts announced continuing their civil disobedience which they started on this Sunday till meeting the requests of the demonstrators to release the guards of the Minister of Finance, Rafa al-Issawi.

Informed source told Iraqi News on Sunday “The members of Anbar PC and local councils held urgent meeting in the civil disobedience square to set solution to the current crisis,” noting that “The meeting resulted in reaching resolution to go on the civil disobedience till meeting their requests including releasing Issawi’s guards.”

Earlier, Anbar PC has called Anbar people, on last Saturday, to declare civil disobedience to protest arresting Issawi’ guards.