Friday, September 27, 2024


Maliki recalls religiousmen, preachers to urge citizens to adhere to national unity

Maliki recalls religiousmen, preachers to urge citizens to adhere to national unity

Baghdad ( The Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, recalled the religious authorities and preachers to urge the citizens to adhere to the national unity.

While receiving a number of the religiousmen and preachers at his office on Sunday, Maliki said “We did not get any positive result from the sectarianism in order to resume it,” calling to “Cooperate with each other to preserve the unity of Iraq and not to be deceived by the sectarian calls.”

He stressed “the necessity of limiting the tensions to the political side.”

For their part, the religiousmen and the preachers assured facing any sectarian plot that aim to create the sectarian sedition among the Iraqis, calling to preserve the unity of Iraq and respect the law.