Friday, September 27, 2024


Alwani denies launching statements against Shiite

 Alwani denies launching statements against Shiite

Alwani denies launching statements against Shiite


Baghdad ( MP, Ahmed al-Alwani, of the Iraqiya Slate denied launching statements against Shiite.

He stated to Iraqi News ( “The statements attributed to me are groundless,” noting that “This is an attempt to distract the public and to keep them away from Anbar revolt that is going on.”

“Some sides attempt to separate Shiite from Sunni people to prevent Shiite from participating with their Sunni brothers in Anbar in their revolt against injustice and dictatorship,” he added.

“We received calls from the tribes in southern Iraq to participate in Anbar revolt and we answered them that Anbar is a house for all Iraqis,” he concluded.