Friday, September 20, 2024


Nusaiyf describes waving Kurdistan Region flag in Anbar demonstrations as suspicious act

Nusaiyf describes waving Kurdistan Region flag in Anbar demonstrations as suspicious act

Baghdad ( MP Aliya Nusaiyf of the Hurra Iraqiya Slate described waving the flag of the Kurdistan Region in the demonstrations that took place in Anbar province as a suspicious behavior where it raises suspicions about the motives of the current fabricated crisis and those who stand behind it.

Anbar province is known for its support for the political process and its rejection for disputes,” Nusaiyf added noting “Anbar people have the right to express their opinion through peaceful demonstrations; however waving Kurdistan Region flag in the recent demonstration in Anbar indicates the presence of other parties which intruded itself in the province’s affairs in unjustified way.”

She called “Anbar people to support the government and not to leave any gap that can be exploited by some sides.”

It is worth mentioning that demonstrations have taken into streets in Faluja district of Anbar, on last Saturday, protesting the arrest of the guards of the Finance Minister where they witnessed waving Kurdistan Region flag.