Friday, September 27, 2024


Political analyst: Toppling Esawi to bring critical negative consequences on Iraq

Political analyst: Toppling Esawi to bring critical negative consequences on Iraq

Baghdad ( The political analyst, Ahmed al-Abyadh, confirmed that toppling the Finance Minister, Rafi al-Esawi, to bring critical negative consequences on Iraq.

Speaking to Iraqi News (, he expected “The Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, not to abandon Esawi’s gaurds’ case as he will face the Iraqiya Slate in this case.”

“Maliki started to behave with some of the IS MPs as outlaws who urge for sectarian violence depending on Article seven of the constitution,” he added.

“I do not think Maliki to topple Esawi in a similar way of toppling the death sentenced Vice-President, Tariq al-Hashimi, through confessions of his guards,” he continued.

“The demonstrations that took place in Anbar are not enough, he mentioned, noting that “Anbar citizens must form a committee that represents them to negotiate with the Government about this case,” he concluded.