Friday, September 20, 2024


Kurdish MP: Maliki’s message over MPs’ immunity to limit Their freedom of expression

Kurdish MP: Maliki\

Baghdad ( MP, Adil Abdullah, of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan assured that the recent message of the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, for the parliament concerning the MPs’ immunity outside the parliament aims at limiting their freedom of expression.

He stated to Iraqi News ( “This is an incorrect step that contradicts democracy,” noting that “We call Maliki to abandon this step since MPs are elected by the people and they represents them.”

“Legally, interpreting the articles of the constitution is the task of the Federal Court rather than the Premier or the Council of Ministers according to Article 93 of the constitution,” he continued.

“There procedures to lift the MP’s immunity in case he is to be caught red-handed in committing a crime,” he assured.

“It is not possible to arrest MPs without the approval of the Parliament Chairmanship during the legislative term,” he concluded.