Friday, September 27, 2024


Political partners must admit partnership, says Maliki

Political partners must admit partnership, says Maliki

Baghdad ( The Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, assured that all sides are partners and there is no even one side marginalized in the political process.

During his speech in Festival of the Sovereignty and Reconciliation held in Baghdad on Friday, Maliki stressed “The reconciliation and the sovereignty were an imaginary concept for most sides due to the fight and the destruction in Iraq during the presence of the foreign troops.”

“We faced a fierce wave of terrorism that targeted the Iraqis and we achieved great victories at the previous stages but now we need to confront sectarianism to be able to establish the State,” he mentioned.

“Democracy in Iraq is still immature and some sides do not realize its real concept due to the negative culture of the former regime,” he continued.

“We do not marginalize any side and the State is based on the principal of partnership without discrimination among the partners,” he concluded.