Friday, September 27, 2024


Nineveh PC members threaten to resign

Nineveh PC members threaten to resign

Nineveh ( The members of Nineveh Provincial Council threatened to submit their resignation in case the Federal Government did not respond to the demands of the demonstrators in the province related to releasing the detainees and abolishing the Justice and Accountability law.

Member of Nineveh PC Yahya Mahjoub said in a press conference held on Saturday “The Council voted with majority to transfer the demands of the demonstrators of Nineveh represented by releasing detainees and withdrawing forces of the Iraqi Federal Police and Army from Nineveh cities to the Central Government to observe them.”

“The demands also included abolishing the Article 4 of Anti Terrorism law and the Justice and Accountability law,” he added, noting that “The CG has three days to respond to these demands or else we will start a strike and then members of Nineveh PC will resign.”

Nineveh province witnessed demonstrations demanding to release female detainees in a similar step to that of Anbar demonstrations.