Saturday, September 21, 2024


Red Crescent Assembly sends urgent aids to Iranian pilgrims stuck at Sheeb border outlet

Maysan ( The Red Crescent Assembly, Maysan province’s brunch sent urgent aids to the pilgrims who are stuck at Sheeb border outlet since the past few days.

The director of the Red Crescent, Haider al-Jawadi, told Iraqi News ( “The Assembly has received a request from the head of the security committee at Maysan Provincial Council, Sarhan al-Ghalibi, to offer relief aids to the Iranian pilgrims who are held at Sheeb Iraqi-Iranian border outlet.”

Jawadi added that “The Red Crescent Assembly erected camps to the pilgrims because of the border outlet’s inability to accommodate the increasing number of the pilgrims heading to Karbala to commemorate Imam Hussein’s anniversary of martyrdom.”