Sunday, September 22, 2024


4 troublemakers among Karbala pilgrims arrested

4 troublemakers among Karbala pilgrims arrested

Karbala ( The security forces arrested, on Monday, four troublemakers among Karbala pilgrims.

Director of Karbala police information, Lt. Col. Ahmed Mohamed Umran, told on Monday “The security forces arrested four of rioters among the pilgrims.”

Umran did not mention any other details about the circumstances of the arrest or the side to which the detainees belong.

Earlier, security force has arrested 8 of Yamani’s supporters who were distributing leaflets on Karbala pilgrims to promote their faiths.

Yamani was born in Basra province and got bachelor degree in civil engineering then moved to Najaf. He states that he is the first deputy of Imam Mahdi and the latter told him to make the people be acquainted with his ideas where some people started to believe in him since 2002.