Friday, September 27, 2024


Araji: Foreign sides consolidate disturbance by supporting Anbar demonstrations

Araji: Foreign sides consolidate disturbance by supporting Anbar demonstrations

Baghdad ( MP, Zuhair al-Araji, of the Hurra Iraqiya Coalition accused sides within the State of giving the foreign sides a chance to support disturbance by supporting demonstrations in Anbar province.

Speaking to Iraqi News (, he said “We do not wish to see such demonstration in Iraq after 10 years of launching new political process because some sides within the demonstration lifted flags of terrorist organizations and photos of a President of a neighboring country.”

He added “The political blocs are responsible of shedding the Iraqi bloods in case some accidents happened in these demonstrations.”

He called “The Iraqi Government to assume its role in bringing those who urge for violence to justice.”

“Most of the demands presented by the demonstrators are legitimate especially concerning the female detainees,” he concluded.