Saturday, September 21, 2024


Urgent – Security delegation of CG arrives in Erbil to meet with its Kurdish counterpart

Breaking News...Security delegation of CG arrives in Erbil to meet with its Kurdish counterpart

Baghdad ( A security delegation from the Central Government arrived in Erbil to hold a closed meeting with its Kurdish counterpart on Wednesday.

Informed source stated to “The security delegation of the CG arrived in Erbil to meet with the delegation of the Kurdistani Regional Government,” noting that “The results of the negotiations will be announced after the meeting.”

Peshmerga Ministry within the Kurdistan RegionG announced Wednesday morning that a delegation from the CG will arrive in Erbil to sign the final agreement over the security file in the disputed areas.

Earlier, Peshmerga Ministry of Kurdistani Regional Government described its negotiations held with the Central Government on last Wednesday over the security file in the disputed areas as positive.

A statement by the Ministry received by cited “On last Wednesday, the Supreme Ministerial Committee of Kurdistan RegionG and CG held its meeting at the headquarter of the General Command of the Armed Forces in Baghdad.”

“The general atmosphere of the meeting was positive where all sides confirmed the importance of the joint performance in the Kurdistani areas outside Kurdistan Region till the implementation of Article 140 of the constitution,” the statement added.

“Both Kurdistan RegionG and CG presented their plans and agreed upon considering the plans by the Committee during its next meeting that is scheduled on next week to reach a common project over the joint performance in these areas,” the statement concluded.