Friday, September 27, 2024


Maliki warns from politicizing demonstrations to create sectarian conflict

Maliki warns from politicizing demonstrations to create sectarian conflict

Baghdad ( The Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, warned from politicizing the demonstrations and threatening the people’s safety in addition to create sectarian conflict.

A statement by Maliki’s office received by on Wednesday quoted him n a letter to the Iraqi people, as saying ” We are following up with the demonstrations in the provinces that call for some demands where we need to adhere to the constitution and the law regarding them and not to make the enemies of Iraq have a chance to penetrate these demonstrations and create the mess and threatening the national unity.”

“We would like the Iraq people to know that the Council of Ministers and the Prime Minister do not have the authority to cancel the laws endorsed by the parliament especially the Justice and Accountability and the Anti-Terrorism laws where we are surprised over the calls of some political blocs to cancel these laws and they know that the government is not authorized to cancel them,” he added.

He assured “The parliament holds all the responsibility regarding canceling these laws and the Iraqi Slate or any other political bloc can cancel these laws by requesting the parliament to vote on cancelling them.”

“Regarding the issue of the prisoners, I requested the head of the Supreme Judicial Council in 2012 to expedite the procedures of holding the trials by increasing the judiciary commissions where he responded to this request and 11 thousand prisoners were released in 2012, then I re-requested the SJC,two days ago, to do the same procedures in order to speed up the trials of the prisoners where 11 judiciary commissions were formed to work 24 hours daily to settle their cases,” he pointed out, noting that “A special committee comprises a number of the scholars and a judiciary commission was formed to follow up with the cases of the women prisoners where the committee started its tasks three days ago and will meet the head of the SJC to settle these cases.”

“The security forces protected the demonstrators with high proficiency and we assure that they will strictly face any side attempt to ruin the public interests and the sovereignty of Iraq and we warn from politicizing the demonstrations to serve foreign or political agendas where the historical responsibility requests the political blocs to cooperate to preserve the unity of Iraq,” he concluded.