Monday, September 23, 2024


Alwani describes 2012 as Worse year for Iraqi due to corruption, marginalization

Alwani describes 2012 as "Worse year for Iraqi due to corruption, marginalization"

Baghdad ( MP, Khalid al-Alwani, of the Iraqiya Slate described 2012 as “The worse for Iraqis due to the spread of corruption and marginalizing the political partners.”

He told on Thursday “2012 is the year of excluding the political partners from the political process,” noting that “The country could not be run by monopolizing side as some look for.”

“With the end of 2012, we witness unparalleled demonstrations and sit-ins launched in Anbar followed by Salah-il-Din, Nineveh and Kirkuk provinces which means that Iraqis are aware and can not accept the injustice”

He expressed his sorrow for “Receiving 2013 with death of a number of detainees in the detentions due to torture.”

He called to “Put an end for this issue,” assuring that “The detainees are consignments at the hand of the Government.”