Saturday, September 21, 2024


White Bloc warns of arming Anbar demonstrations

White Bloc warns of arming Anbar demonstrations

Baghdad ( The Secretary General of the White Bloc, Jamal al-Bateikh, warned from arming the demonstrations and turning them into armed groups.

Bateikh said that “The Iraqi Constitution guarantees the right of the peaceful demonstration and sit-in at any time, but it does not guarantee them if they are exploited to create unrests in the country, therefore we warn from infiltrating these demonstrations that are launched in Anbar by armed groups.”

He stressed “The need to sensitize and familiarize those demonstrators with the patriotic discourses such as the recent statement of Sheikh Abdul Malik al-Saadi in which he called to peacefully call for the legitimate demands.”

It is worth to mention that Anbar, Nineveh, and Salah il-Din provinces witness demonstrations and sit-ins for a week to protest the arrest of the guards of the Finance Minister, Rafa al-Issawi, calling at the same time to release the woman and men prisoners.