Thursday, September 26, 2024


Maliki’s threat for masses of demonstrations aim to establish new dictatorship in Iraq


Baghdad ( MP Khalid al-Alwani of the Iraqiya Slate described the threat of the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki for using force against the demonstrations in some Iraqi cities as dedication for establishing new dictatorship in Iraq.

Alwani urged to continue these peaceful demonstrations till achieving their goals,” noting that “This is legitimate right guaranteed by the Iraqi Construction and it is not the right of any official whichever his post is to prevent these protests.”

Alwani, MP of Anbar province said that Maliki’s description for the current demonstrations as filthy and bubble is great dilemma.

The demonstrations and sit-ins are still going forward for two weeks in Anbar, Salah il-Din and Nineveh provinces, demanding for releasing the prisoners and women detainees as well as canceling the article 4 of the Anti-Terrorism Law besides other demands.