Sunday, September 22, 2024


Sadr denies criticizing demonstrations in some provinces

Najaf ( The head of the Sadr Trend, Muqtada al-Sadr, denied releasing a statement to criticize the demonstrations in some provinces.

A source within Sadr’s office in Najaf province received by on Sunday cited “Sadr did not release any statement to criticize the demonstration and accuses them of being politicized and supported by foreign sides or calls to withdraw from them.”

“Sadr calls the media outlets to be accurate in reporting the news and adopt the real source of news,” the source concluded

Earlier, some media outlets stated that Sadr released a statement which quoted him, as saying “After supporting the demonstrations, we have realized that they are politicized by some foreign countries and the former Ba’ath party where we reject any demonstration against the government in order not to bring Ba’ath party back to Iraq.”

“We have seen the statement of the former Vice-President, Ezzat al-Dori, and lifting the photos of Saddam Hussein, we understood the issue and we call the religious men to withdraw from the demonstrations to preserve the unity of Iraq,” the statement concluded.