Saturday, September 28, 2024


SLC MP: Anbar demonstrations sectarian, aiming at simulate Syrian experience

SLC MP: Anbar demonstrations sectarian, aiming at simulate Syrian experience

Baghdad ( MP Khalid al-Asadi of the State of Law Coalition stressed that Anbar demonstrations and those of other Iraqi provinces aim at reoccurring the Syrian scene, accusing some politicians of being agents for counties that seek to destroy Iraq through sectarian bases.

Asadi stated to Iraqi News ( “All these demonstrations are sectarian where they attempt to follow example of the Syrian experience through sparking sectarian and communal strife and create armed fighting to ruin the country.”

“We urge the tribes in Anbar and Mosul to realize this fact,” he added.

It is worth mentioning that the protests and demonstrations are going on for two weeks in Anbar, Salah il-Din and Nineveh, demanding for releasing general amnesty for prisoners and canceling each of article 4 of the Anti-Terrorism Law and the Justice & Accountability Law.