Friday, September 20, 2024


Barzani threatens Maliki’s Coalition over latter’s call to reduce Kurdistan Region’s share of federal budget

Barzani threatens Maliki\

Erbil ( The Primer of Kurdistan Regional Government, Najervan Barzani threatened the State of Law Coalition that is headed by the Premier Nouri al-Maliki, to take serious action due to the coalition’s insistence on reducing Kurdistan’s share of the federal budget.

In press conference held in Erbil, attended by reporter, Barzani launched stinging criticism against the SLC over its calls to decrease the Region’s share from the federal budget saying that “The Region’s share of the budget is 17% but some MPs of the SLC demand to reduce it to 11% and others want it 13%,” addressing SLC’s MPs “We are not beggars and you cannot increase our share since we are partners in the parliament and the federal government.”

In an answer to a question raised during the conference about the reaction the region might take in case Maliki’s Coalition succeeded in collecting votes to pass the amendment, Najervan said “We will decisively react against this issue, calling the federal government to adopt dialogue in resolving any problem rather than resorting to pressures and using force.”

Concerning the Syrian refugees Kurdistan Region PM said Kurdistan Region hosts more than 60, 000 Syrian refugees mostly Kurds where Dominiz camp in Dohuk hosts the larger portion of them, denying reports over closing borders with Syria.”

He added “We will establish other camp for the Syrian refugees in Sulaimaniya to be the second besides Dominiz camp.”