Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraqi cities witness mass demonstrations rejecting Cancelation of Anti-Terrorism Law’s article 4, A & J Law

Iraqi cities witness mass demonstrations rejecting Cancelation of Anti-Terrorism Law\

Baghdad ( Thousands of civilians took into streets in several Iraqi provinces demanding not to cancel each of the article 4 of the Anti-Terrorism Law and the Accountability & Justice Law.

Muthanna province witnessed masses of demonstrators who demanded not to cancel each of Anti-Terrorism Law’s article 4 and the A & J law calling to abandon the sectarian approach adopted by some sides. correspondent reported that “The demonstrators urged to preserve the national unity and not to follow some politicians who want to revoke communal strife.”

On other hand, Diwaniya province also witnessed mass demonstration which denounced the malicious plans that seek to create sectarianism in Iraq.

They strongly condemned the calls to abolish the Anti-Terrorism Law’s article 4 and the A & J Law.

Meanwhile tens of thousands in Karbala and Basra provinces took into streets expressing their support to the Iraqi Government’s procedures, calling it to activate the article 4 and speed up executing the criminals and terrorists.

Anbar, Nineveh and Salah il-Din provinces still witness continuous demonstrations and sit-ins for two weeks, demanding the release of the guards of the Finance Minister in addition to canceling the article 4 of the Anti-Terrorism Law and the Accountability & Justice Law.