Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Sadrist MP accuses Maliki of carrying out Biden’s agendas on splitting Iraq

Sadrist MP accuses Maliki of carrying out Biden\

Baghdad ( MP Jawad al-Hasnawi of the parliamentary Ahrar bloc associated to the Sadr Trend accused the Iraqi Primer Nouri al-Maliki of carrying out agendas of the US Vice President, Joseph Biden over splitting Iraq.

Hasnawi told Iraqi News ( “We accuse Maliki of implementing Biden’s agendas in splitting Iraq through his acts whereas he should not accuse those demonstrators who ask for legitimate rights of being implementing foreign agendas as we think that the Government is the side which carries out foreign agendas.”

The US Vice President had suggested in 2007 to split Iraq into three parts: Sunni, Shiite and Kurdish and each enjoy independent rule as a solution for terminating violence in Iraq.