Wednesday, September 25, 2024


MP: completing 1st reading of limiting 3 presidencies’ terms law victory for democracy in Iraq

MP: completing 1st reading of limiting 3 presidencies\

Baghdad ( MP Ali al-Timimi of the Ahrar Bloc described the completion of the first reading for the law draft of limiting the terms of the three presidencies as a victory for the democracy in Iraq.

He said in a statement received by on Wednesday “This step is a real victory for the democracy in Iraq since this law will move the dictatorship away from the country.”

“The political blocs fear the return of the single-party dominance on the rule again,” he added.

It is worth mentioning that the Iraqi Parliament has lifted the regular session of Wednesday after completing the first reading of the law draft of limiting the terms of the three presidencies to avoid renewing the term of the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki.