Saturday, September 28, 2024


IS MP denies transferring Esawi’s case to Anbar province

IS MP denies transferring Esawi\

Baghdad ( MP, Jabir al-Jabiri, of the Iraqiya Slate denied transferring the case of the guards of the Finance Minister, Rafi al-Esawi, to Anbar province.

Speaking to Iraqi News (, he said “imprisonment of Esawi’s guards by the Ministry of Interior is violating the law because they are elements of the Ministry of Defense so must be detained by the MoD rather than the MoI.”

Over the demonstrations in Anbar, he said “The Government is ignoring the demonstrators’ demands which become public demands rather than political or sectarian.”

“The current disputes among the Government and the Kurds as well as the Iraqiya Slate in addition to the Sunni sect are caused by the Government,” he added.

“Maliki has to negotiate with the sides of the demonstrations not with sides that he select to solve the crisis of the demonstrations,” he concluded.