Sunday, September 22, 2024


Security forces responsible for attacks against demonstrators, Esawi

Security forces responsible for attacks against demonstrators, Esawi

Baghdad ( MP, Waleed al-Muhamadi, of the Iraqiya Slate held the security forces responsible for the attacks against the demonstrators in Tikrit city and assassination attempt targeted the Finance Minister, Rafi al-Esawi, on last Sunday.

In a statement received by, he assured “Ignoring the political partners’ demands for reforms during the previous stage resulted in political tension that led Iraqis to conduct public demonstrations,” noting that “Dealing with the demonstrators’ in the same way will complicate the crisis.”

“The Government must take the lesson from the regional government that ignored the demands of its peoples,” he mentioned.

“The current stage in Iraq requires eliminating injustice and accomplishing the public demands away from procrastination,” he concluded.